CSA #9
7 Pickling Cucumbers. 1 Large Summer Squash. 5 Scallions. 1lb Bunch of Carrots. 2 Purplette Mini Onions. 1 Small BiColor Summer Squash. 2 Slicing Cucumbers. 3 Orange Blossom Tomatoes. 1 Seedless Cucumber. 2 Striped Zucchini. 1 Heirloom Tomato. 2 Green Zucchini. 1 Red Slicing Tomato. 1 Large BiColor Summer Squash. 1 heaping Quart of Purple/Yellow//Green/Dragons Tongue Bush Beans. 1 Large Bunch of Purple and Green Basil. Zinnia/Marigold Bouquet. 1 Bunch of Cilantro. 1.5 lbs+ Mixed Cherry Tomatoes