In the beginning of January 2015, Sammy and I were so excited to plan our business and get started on our own farming venture. After talking for a while about names and how to represent ourselves the phrase Full Circle stuck to us as we felt it represented our goals most suitably. My wife being the amazing artist she is, sat down to draw the logo which is a take on the Ouroboros, representing the cycle all things returning to their source to be created anew, with an Earthworm instead of a snake to symbolize that without the microcosm in the soil and in our bodies there would be no healthy breakdown cycle to fertilize and feed further growth. Above is the drawing she made, no editing. We just scanned it and put into MS paint to change the font and it was official.
We have come a long way since 2015. Many things learned about farming and life every year and every day that we apply to following seasons and moments so we can be better growers, and better stewards of the land. Everyday I am grateful for the opportunities we’ve been blessed with that have allowed us to become full time farmers. I am especially appreciative of all of the support from our members and loyal market goers. With out you guys we would likely still be working night jobs. I am grateful for this miraculous planet and how all of it’s inhabitants have just as important of a role as the next. I am grateful for the love and support of our families and friends. I am grateful to have such a generous land owner entrusting us to keep her land happy and helping us have a successful business.
We look forward to enjoying these holidays seasons with you as markets continue all year round. This will likely be the first year we actually sell out of all of our produce before the cold kills or lays dormant anything left. We are hoping to at least have enough good greens to harvest through December possibly into January. Thank you all for your kind words about our writings, and the many of you who gave us your loving thoughts and even gifts for our wedding. We feel very loved. And we love you all back.