My Warning

Your farmer has been triggered again. My last post before this was written months ago but I was reluctant to post it as I typically am but lately I feel the impending doom if we miss this opportunity for an agrarian revolution. The war on farmers in silent and cold, but it rages across the world. One concern I have is that the language used by the un-elected figure heads is increasingly reminiscent of mine, which I think is a tactical move to hide the real solutions the big business minds have in store for the inevitable (cough designed cough) socioeconomic collapse.

Private companies investing their wealth, like the fraud that is carbon offset credits?

Below we see the good old idea of taxing the citizens to subsidize big business to transition the world to a whole new structure of energy and technology so they can then profit off of selling it back to you forever.

Re-circulation of post-consumer materials? Ohh like turning wind mill turbines into gummie bears?

Build back… differently… nice rebrand. See what I’ve been telling you. Pretty soon whether we like it or not we are going to be forced to consume less. We are going to be taxed for consuming too much. Meanwhile big business gets to go about polluting and exploiting and getting tax breaks. This is why we need to make this shift ourselves, at a local and decentralized level. They tell us point blank, covid showed us how terrible it is to rely on a global economy. But they don’t intend on localizing or breaking up the monopolies. If we all got the idea to come together and design resilient self sufficient communities around natural resources providing sustenance and shelter for everyone well.. well.. where would they get the tax money to subsidize mining companies digging for precious metals to meet the demand for a mandated shift to electric vehicles?

Farming bad dontchakno?

Oh, so they will encourage grass fed local meats over factory farmed animals right? Right?

Ah, here we see good ole’ factory farm chicken company partnering with the biggest insect ingredient company. Probably just going to figure out how to raise bugs for the chickens then…

Demand for insect ingredients is growing you say? That’s interesting…

I don’t really have a problem with eating insects. I’d much rather feed them to a chicken and eat the chicken, and I’d much rather people forage the bugs in a time of need than as a solution to a false crisis. What I see is the intentional shift from small farms, to big industrial farms, to big industrial bug farms. They are already centralizing the production of insect proteins before they even become popular. If there isn’t any other conspiracy, is it not the intentional driving of the economy to a direction after having already secured the production for the artificially stoked demand? Lobbying governments to subsidize and adjust regulations with a quiet tip about what stocks are soon to boom. NAH that’s absolute crazy talk.

A think tank you say? Could it be the ones pushing for us to move away from real organic food under the guise of impending climate doom? Could it be the ones with the factories for producing synthetic food-stuffs? Could it be the ones saying we’ll eat much less meat by 2030 and that are investing in bug foods and telling politicians to legislate change to the food system?

Here they are, way back in 2019 talking about “food-as-software” to be engineered at a molecular level and what… printed? Put into a petri dish to grow out like bacteria? And then they act like “geographically spread out food production” means anyone other than someone with a lab. Lastly it is alluded that organic (do we need another term for just regular non-engineered food that is grown from the earth?) food is some how lower quality and weather and disease and trade won’t impact such a sanitary environment.

And this here is exactly where my concern is. Nature is literally becoming the enemy. There is a war against nature, and farmers are too close to nature. At what point will it be legislated that it is too dangerous to raise food in a natural setting? And at that point, will we even have the land or freedom to raise food for ourselves?

This is why I ask that you all consider the future our children will inherit. Do we really want to live in some post-organic cyborg world where food is designed and printed? Is living forever worth the loss of the freedom to feel alive? Should we fear the soil, air, and water from which we were created? The future is being written and sold to us so we can create our own prison. We should heed the warnings of drastic change to come, and steer our own lives and communities in the direction we wish to see that we may become free to produce and sell and buy food grown with love, before we become even more dependent on food centralized to those deemed worthy to produce a product “clean” and climate friendly enough.

You see, the solutions, in my opinion, are not to continue forward away from nature while wondering why is nature being destroyed… the solutions are to look to the past. Use our knowledge and technology to refine old ways to be more productive and efficient. Move away from the centralization of industry and production. We need a separation of big business and state amendment so we can get legislation that benefits the people not the powers. The land can certainly provide for a rich way of life when utilized thoughtfully and fairly. But allowing the same big names polluters to monopolize an emerging market is just going to lead to the same old exploitation. Eventually we will have PETA complaining about how big bug protein is mistreating the larvae.

Small holdings for families to provide for themselves. Providing much of their needs the family can save income they generate from cottage industries and trades that help to improve and build the community they live in. But this is only possible if Blackrock doesn’t buy up all of the residential land to rent back to us.

If you read my previous post, which was posted today written weeks ago, we are so divided we can’t see that the division is manufactured. To be played, one doesn’t even need to know they are in a game. But once they know, they’d rather win. Let’s get in the game as one team, with one goal. The goal should be life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.. none of which can be found without food sovereignty.

1 CORINTHIANS 3:7 KJV "So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase."