Patenting Autonomy
Firstly I want to thank you all for coming out to see us at the farmers markets. It was great seeing you all and we are happy to be back.
Secondly, sorry in advance folks, I was going to move on but I think I have one more post to make on the subject of the centralization of the food system (well all things). Thank you all for reading these, and hopefully after this one I’ll move on to more actionable thoughts rather than just critiques. But here I go again…
When we left off I was making some connections to the industries around Big Food. Big farms relying on big pharma relying on big oil all relying on regulatory agencies to allow them to rely on our money.
You might say, free market capitalism yada yada to which I’d say government subsidies are not free market. You might say, well people have the freedom to choose to eat unhealthy foods. To that I agree, however if we are allowing large corporations to put carcinogenic food dyes into widely accessible cheap food, we should probably go ahead and lower the barrier of entry into food processing for cottage industry businesses who are likely using locally sourced raw ingredients (otherwise what is the point of competing with conventional processed food?) and a much smaller scale eliminating a lot of risk of food contamination. You might even say, how could we feed the world without GMO food and highly processed shelf stable calorie bombs? To that I laugh because in 50 years the amount of farmers in the US dropped in half. It would be incredibly easy to increase food productivity if there ever was a desire to diversify from corn for ethanol and high fructose corn syrup (maybe not subsidizing the whole industry would help?).
But, if I didn’t sway you by the curiosity of what the FDA allows into the food supply, or the connection between poor diet and health, or the hazards of genetic modification… may I try one more point.
Oh boy, another conspiracy theory, here we go.
What is such a conspiracy about rich people wanting to get richer? One protects ones self interest. When your self interest is enriching yourself and furthering your potential for enrichment, you will do anything to protect yourself and the company you keep helping you further your goals.
When it comes to food, all fruits and herbs were given the ability to bare seed of like kind, therefore anyone who grows a crop to seed now has the autonomy of creating many from one. This my friends, is big trouble for the powers of consolidation. People having the ability to feed themselves, and freely create a profitable self reliant business model without relying on outside resources doesn’t allow for the monopolies to get their cut from every step of that business, and we just can’t have that now can we.
So what does one do?
Well, how’s about we do some good ole patenting? You can patent plants species which are created by asexual production, so cuttings or totally new genetic creations via gene splicing. So as we have read in previous posts, a majority of broad scale monoculture crops are GMO varieties, which would be patented leading to legal ramifications for anyone selling seeds and contracts disallowing farmers to save seed.
Oh, what do you know? The monoculture farmers love to use the “patented technology” because the seeds are clean and consistent which works great for their machines. You’d really hate to have to visit your field more than just driving over it to sow seeds, then spray chemicals, then harvest wouldn’t you? I mean, the government isn’t subsidizing it THAT much.
So, here in the states the farmers love their serfdom to their lord of the seeds. How about the rest of the world?
Oh, woops. Farming isn’t very profitable when you are dependent on inputs for fertility, pest and weed control, and seeds especially when you’ve been farming naturally for centuries. But that’s just some of the collateral damage needed to further the agenda of consolidation. Some people will become food addicts, some will be ill with diet related chronic disease, and some people will become so despondent at their newly realized servitude they can’t think of any other options… we just need better optics around the whole biotechnology merging with the food system mhmm that’s all we need.
Am I reading this headline right? Give up organic and embrace sustainable agriculture? When did organic agriculture become unsustainable? Will we finally reach sustainability when we are in flying cars and our refrigerator orders food to be delivered by drone from Amazon as soon as we even finish the last slice of bread?
Womp womp. Looks like the king will be giving into the biotech food movement after all. What do you know. Even less sustainable than that lowly organic produce, is meat. Icky, meat is going to kill us all so we should probably just let scientist grow meat in petri dishes for us so we can save the planet.
Good news! The lawyers told us we could go ahead and patent our genetically engineered cultured meat food stuffs before anybody gets any ideas of trying to recreate these wonderful advancements we’ve made.
I left us off with a few questions last post. “What is a bioeconomy even? Why do we need to manufacture biology? Why do we need to merge biology with technology?”
Ah, of course. The bioeconomy is a term used by the non elected officials who run the world, I mean regional development agencies and international organizations, to describe… the economy? It’s just that they are so dead set on merging every single thing into the cloud they had to rename it to normalizethe influence of biotechnology on our lives.
Why do we need to manufacture biology? Well, for the patents of course! I mean, because we can improve on nature.
Why do we need to merge biology and technology? Well how are we going to spy on you and collect data to more easily enslave you to consumerism if we can’t use technology to observe, track, study and manipulate biology? I mean, uhh for your safety and protection of course.
And I left you with one more question, what is the merger of corporate and state interests? Well, here it is from the horses mouth:
Oh. The guy who invented fascism defined it as “corporatism” because it was “a merger of state and corporate power”. That… isn’t at all concerning…
So, this whole biotech thing is definitely for you know… fighting hunger and curing disease right? Well let’s see what that there executive order is funding shall we?
Oh, so we’re going to do some more subsidizing I see. That’s okay it’s all for good right? Oh… I see… we’ll be working on hypersonics and submarines? Are they going to be transformers? What is biological about the technology of submarines? Okay, that’s fine. I’m sure the department of defense has some other good uses… oh, chemicals… of course. Ah, there it is. Biosecurity and cybersecurity. They want to make sure that our biology is secure, by manipulating it from every direction…
I don’t think vaccine means what you think it means…
Woah woah woah now you conspiracy theorist… where would you get that whole idea that mRNA technology is in the food supply? Oh, that article about how we’re totally working on that? Well fact check false! We are working on it, not doing it! Nah nah nah boo boo. Anyway… medium risk because yes we will. What is this all about? Why are they so hell bent on feeding us GMOs? Why are they experimenting on the whole global population with these novel technologies? What is this?
This study thinks the toxicity of the mRNA they are experimenting with through “vaccines” and food needs to be evaluated for potential interference with human DNA. Ah, couldn’t be, the fact checkers said it just isn’t so!
Don’t be a crazy conspiracy theorist. The Associated Press says mRNA doesn’t effect DNA, those scientists know nothing. Not to mention, anything found in nature can’t be patented… see what google says….
Unless they are defined by a DNA sequence created by any person… I’m not saying they are. I’m just saying… they probably can. At what point do we lose our humanity? At what point is this no longer the earth we once knew? Will we allow ourselves to become patented? Will we become a society of asexually propagated serfs to the corporate state?
If we don’t become genetically modified cyborgs linked via brain chip to the cloud, we’ll surely continue to become further from nature and our food production. The corporations, states, and international agencies will continue consolidating production, resources, and regulating small businesses out of the market. The growing power structure will do whatever it takes to preserve itself and its image of philanthropy and justice. I see right through all the pandering. We are but dollar signs which are but a symbol of our servitude to the few. The only way we can change our circumstances are by supporting good small local businesses. Better yet. Become a good small local business owner. Produce whatever you can. Show them we don’t want to rely on scientists to feed ourselves. We don’t want to be experimented on.
Organic is sustainable. You are organic. Don’t let them alter you. You are uniquely you. You have a purpose. You are loved. We must create and produce before it becomes illegal. Be organic while you still can.
And for suffering through that, I surely owe you some farm pictures…
Bottom Tunnel left to right (Lettuce/spring onions. Tokyo Bekena {coming soon to your spicy mix}/spinach. Spicy mix/peas/radish. More lettuce)
Top tunnel left to right (arugula. baby carrots. radish/peas/radish. baby spinach)
Everything has grown significantly since this was taken a week ago