What Could Go Wrong?
Ya say what now? Reflecting back sunlight? How much sunlight? With what? How does one go about reflecting back sunlight?
Okay, first thing is first you silly conspiracy theorist. We AREN’T going to block the sun okay, we just need a whole bunch of your money to decide if we ARE going to block the sun. How? Well by means of stratospheric aerosol injection of course.
See! It’s fine, it’s “the most researched solar geoengineering method”. It would be just like a volcanic winter! Nothing wrong with that, almost sounds fun doesn’t it? I mean, it is awfully hot out there this summer, wouldn’t it be fun to play in some ash snow?
What do you know, The EU is looking into deflecting the sun also! Small world!? Let’s see, anyone else?
You will have ze space bubbles! Ahem, excuse me. A little bug in my throat.
Stratospheric aerosol injection aye? Sounds a lot like putting chemicals in the air, and delivery by custom aircraft… that sounds an awful lot like chem trails to me… the above diagram certainly looks like the description of chem trails…
Don’t be erroneous you conspiracy theorist. These loons think they might use airplanes to put chemicals in the air for…. solar radiation management? Wait isn’t that what has been “most researched” as per Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change? I mean, it isn’t like you research by doing or anything…. Anyway we’ll let a computer figure out whether this is a good idea or not then shall we?
I mean, it’s not like we’ve trained the supercomputer to think humans are destroying the earth or anything… But I digress. We were having a supercomputer decide whether or not to spray aerosols from airplanes all over the world to block the sun… right… so, I guess we’ll spray, what? Maybe some sulfur dioxide then? Sure…
Do you think they forgot about what the computer models we ran in 2018 said? You know about the deep ocean warming and polar melting and potential for global climatic chaos? Yeah, they probably forgot, PLUS, we’ve done a much better job training I mean teaching our modern AI.
Oh uhh, ahem. Burning diesel? Wait a minute we’re supposed to not want to burn fuels, should we just all go diesel to mitigate the suns rays? Are gas stoves good again? Did I say sulfur dioxide via chem trails? I meant Alumina… we’ll use Alumina in an aresolized form for more efficient sunlight scatter…
Okaaaay… so maybe risking the whole worlds mental health and polluting the whole globe with aluminum is a little bit of a tough sell. What else can we do…
Hmm, right, well… maybe we ought to just get rid of this overarching term of climate eningeering altogether then aye? Those pesky conspiracy theorists did a pretty quick job tainting our whole chem trail idea, I mean, stratospheric aerosol injection. Our whole carbon dioxide removal reverse power plant thing looks pretty silly when you compare it to you know, a forest. For some reason it seems people are a little nervous about the whole blot out the sun idea, so weird.
What the… why is Bill Gates always seemingly invested in these wild ideas years before they make it to “5 years of research”? I was just curious about this whole blocking the sun thing and here he is, Mr. Mosquito GMOing, Synthetic Beef loving, farmland buying, computer nerd. Come to think of it, that cat probably has access to TONS of the public’s data… but I go digressing. We’re talking about how we’re going to save the world by blotting out the sunshine let’s get serious here!
We’re keeping track of all these gases mhmm, just not that there sulfur dioxide… but uh if you’re independent nation states would you know, help fund our research that’d be greaaaat.
Oh gosh, sounds terrifying. I bet this could use a whole lot of money and a whole lot of overreaching control and loss of privacy wouldn’t you say?
Wow, please read that article. It’s one of those things that really kind of seems like they are writing about something that could potentially happen but they know it is already happening… Just gives me that vibe. It kind of reminds of this interesting bit of timing right here…
Health Security… sounds like biosecurity which reminds me of the executive order on biotech which says “We need to invest in and promote biosafety and biosecurity to ensure that biotechnology is developed and deployed in ways that align with United States principles and values and international best practices, and not in ways that lead to accidental or deliberate harm to people, animals, or the environment. "(biotech executive order) But I digress. They couldn’t aerosolize biotech could they?
Why do I ask these questions?
Woops got off track… What’s pretty interesting though is The WEF, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation teamed up with Johns Hopkins to simulate a pandemic on October 18, 2019. 2019…. October… That’s, coincidental? Just a month and a half later…
That’s a dang fine simulation you got there friends, seems like it oughta do just fine… I mean, now we’re ready for anything!
It makes you wonder… is the whole world a stage? Is the script predetermined before we even get a chance to realize we are characters and the curtains have long since opened. Meanwhile, we’re too blinded by the stage lights to see. Too confused to even wonder, who’s the director? And who’s the audience?
Farming is all fun and games ‘till you start picking 500 feet of squash
We out here early
We out here late
Some things can’t take the wet
Even though some things don’t make it, they return to the soil, and we try again.
Let’s not try anything that doesn’t have such a positive return on loss.
(IE please don’t let them blot out the sun)