First CSA Pick-Up
The fields and high tunnel were so full of food we had to invite our members for their first CSA share one week early! That was last week, May 26, and I can't believe it's time for the second. You wouldn't know by the bounty! Last week members received 3/4lb of Red Russian Kale, 3/4lb of Swiss Chard, 3/4lb bunch of Radishes (French Breakfast and Rover), 1/2lb of Hakurei Turnips, 1/4 of Red Giant Mustard, 1/2lb of Lettuce Mix, 1/3lb of Spinach, 1/3lb of Braising Mix, 1/2 pint of Sugar Snap Peas, and Edible Arugula and Braising Mix Flowers.
We couldn't be more grateful for the support we've received from our family, friends, and the community. We are especially grateful for or CSA Members who put their faith in us to feed their families safe, healthy, and ecologically friendly food. Thank you to everyone of you who has encouraged us, tasted our produce, visited us at the farm, bought from us at markets, asked for a shirt, and especially the families who commit to their local small farmers.